
Breaking News=Contaminated water from Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan was released at 1:00 pm on August 24... The world is shocked!


Park Hyeon-seo, director of Hyundai Asan Hospital, said that at 1:00 pm on August 24, Japan's Tokyo Electric Power Corporation discharged nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima reactor, and the Pacific Lands Forum (PIF), which consists of 17 Pacific island countries such as Australia and New Zealand, It is strongly opposed because of the radioactive contamination of the marine ecosystem, but Korea is not actively reporting these reports.


<This Photo is Park Hyeon-seo, director of Hyundai Asan Hospital>


Next, the most dangerous substance to the human body in Fukushima nuclear contaminated water is a radioactive isotope called Cesium-137 (pronounced Cesium in English), which has a half-life of as long as 37 years. After 37 years, 50g remains, and after 37 years, 25g remains, and even after another 37 years, half of that 12.5g remains in the human body and emits radiation until the person dies.
 Then, he revealed his belief that beta rays, which are emitted within the human body for a lifetime, continue to destroy every corner of the person's body.

Therefore, it destroys DNA in cells, causing mutations, cell destruction, and cancer.  What's more problematic is that it destroys the DNA in children's germ cells, which can cause reproductive function decline and deformities in their offspring. It was revealed that radiation exposure of infants, children, adolescents, and women of childbearing age destroys germ cell DNA, leading to human extinction such as deformities and infertility.

In particular, germ cells of young people with active cell division cause damage to germ cells tens to tens of thousands of times, even if they are exposed to the same amount of radioactive material, compared to somatic cells of people over 50 who have almost no cell division. The Korean Atomic Energy Society or some physicists and engineers say that there is no problem because Fukushima contaminated water is diluted with seawater because they are ignorant of marine ecology, ignorant of the human body, or betray their conscience, but what people eat is not salty seawater, but fish. I gave meaning to it because it is a

Therefore, radioactive substances that are dangerous to the human body, such as cesium 137 and iodine 131, are usually heavy, so they sink to the bottom of the coast, and the microscopic marine life living there becomes food for small creatures such as shrimp and concentrates, and small creatures such as shrimp It becomes food for larger fish, and eventually a huge amount of radioactive cesium is concentrated in the body of relatively large marine organisms such as sardines, salmon, pollock, octopus, and squid, until the organism dies.  In addition, he sighed after announcing the danger that if our children ate it, it would lead to various cancers such as leukemia and thyroid cancer, endocrine diseases, and deterioration in reproductive function.

He also warned that please keep in mind that irresponsible words that the polluted water is diluted is safe, as a scientist you should not do.


<Thank you for reading & waching folks>






Reported by

Alexander Utt./Journalist(프리랜서 기자)

Kim Hong-e/Journalist

Son kyeong rack/Journalist (lawyer)


민주당 양문석 의원, 7월 4일 '국민들의 국회 청원'에 '윤대통령 탄핵' 이렇게 빨리 올 줄 몰랐다... 국회 탄핵 청원 100만 대군의 분노 표출
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최민희 국회 과방위원장, 7월26일 인사청문회 끝나며... 이진숙 방통위원장 후보자 '윤대통령 임명' 강행한다면 바로 "탄핵" 경고!
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정은수, 첫사랑의 뜨거운 심정으로 뮤지컬 '별헤는밤. 위대한 유산'에 첫 도전
정은수, 첫사랑의 뜨거운 심정으로 뮤지컬 '별헤는밤. 위대한 유산'에 첫 도전 연기는 발성과 발음이 연기의 70% 이상 차지 한다고 한다 정은수는 거기에 담대함까지 갖춘 연기자이어서 많은 팬들의 기대를 한몸에 받고있다 공연 연습 과정에서부터 정은수는 홀로 계신 어머니에게 불효했던 지난 시절이 교차되면서 대본이 젖을 정도로 회개의 눈물을 흘렸다고 한다 배우 정은수가 뮤지컬 무대에 첫 발을 내딛는다. MBC 19기 공채 탤런트 출신이자 제3무대 극단 부대표로 서울연극협회 정회원으로 활동 중인 그는 다채로운 연기 경험을 쌓아왔다. 드라마에서는 ‘제 4공화국(심수봉역)’, '맏이', '옥이이모', '아들의 여자', '폭풍의 계절(블랙 로즈파 여고생 두목으로 김희애, 최진실 배우와 출연)' 등에 출연하며 안방극장을 사로잡았고, 연극에서는 알츠하이뭐 ,'아주 간단한 이야기', '오레스테이아', '엘렉트라', '쥐덫' 등 다양한 작품에서 활약했다. 특히 MBC 탤런트극단 창단 작품 정세호 연출 '쥐덫' 조연출을 맡기도 했다. 학력으로는 숭실사이버대 음악학과를 재학 중이며, 예술경영전공으로 전공 중이다. 더불어 고대 인문예술 최고지도자 과정(AHAP) 1기와 단대문화예술